Product Details

Suitable for economic and effective application of crop protection chemical on plantation such as vineyard, [pomegranate, citrus etc]
Suitable for economic and effective
application of crop protection chemical on plantation
such as vineyard, [pomegranate, citrus etc]
- Reparable ber tank with chemical mixer
- Pressure & ow control panel from Annovi Reverberri
- Wide angle shaft (CV joint - Cardan shaft)
- Italian diaphragm pump from Annovi Reverberri
- Reverse fan to avoid dust suction
Min. Tractor Requirement 18Hp / 540rpm
Chemical tank capacity (Ltr) 200
Types of nozzles 2N/DV-8 or 2N/ADV-2
No of nozzles 10 Pump type
Diaphragm AR503
Pump discharge (Ltr/m) 54
Pump rpm 550
Pump working pressure(psi) 580
Blower Fan rpm 1st gear 2250 2nd gear 2700
Dimension (mm (approx)) 1250 x 975 x 1475
Net weight (Kg (approx)) 180