Paddy Thresher Features and Working Procedures Paddy Thresher After many years of experience in the field of agricultural machinery, Aspee has developed many excell..... READ MORE
Differentiate Between 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Engines 2 STROKE ENGINE 4 STROKE ENGINE Completes a single rotation of the crankshaft after completing one cycle. After compl..... READ MORE
Advantages of an Electric Power Sprayer 1. Lower Cost – Electric sprayers are generally simpler, have fewer parts, and are much cheaper than gas-powered spra..... READ MORE
Small Farm Mechanisation The term farm mechanisation refers to the use of machinery on farms to replace manual labour. This includes tractors, ha..... READ MORE
Grass Cutting Machine makes Trimming Grass Lawn Ea..... Do you want sophisticated tools and innovative techniques to trim your grass lawn? You have to search online to buy a gr..... READ MORE
Basic Tips to Use knapsack sprayer Efficiently Knapsack-type agricultural sprayers spray a liquid with the help of handheld nozzles connected to pressure reservoirs on..... READ MORE
Role of Mistblowers in Fast and Efficient Pest Con..... For a long time, backpack mist blowers have remained in high demand to treat big outdoor areas in no time. In particu..... READ MORE
How to Choose the Right Nozzle for Agricultural Sp..... Nozzles used in sprayers are a few highly engineered and précised components. If a spray nozzle has only 10percent wear..... READ MORE
Various Types of Farm Machinery and Equipment to R..... Agricultural or farming machinery refers to different types of machines used to accomplish varieties of farm work. Mos..... READ MORE
Manage Critical Aspects of Crops with the Right Ag..... With consistent exposure of crop production to unpredictable challenges and dynamic situations, crop nutrition and pest..... READ MORE
Why Battery Sprayers are Better than Manual Spraye..... Introduction Today, a large number of companies involved in manufacturing agricultural sprayers use a rechargeable batt..... READ MORE
Top 6 Benefits to Use Sprayers in Agriculture Introduction With consistent technological advancements in the agricultural sector, farmers are now available with tons..... READ MORE
Design and development of gearbox for air sleeve b..... The recent advancement in air assisted spraying is air sleeve boom sprayer in which the air jet developed at each noz..... READ MORE
Seasonal activity of Serpentine leaf miner, Liriom..... The serpentine leaf miner, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) believed to be an accidental introduction into India was reco..... READ MORE
Studies on biology and management of sapota bud bo..... Investigation was undertaken with some specific objectives like, incidence of sapota leaf webber, bud borer and flowe..... READ MORE
Efficacy of Neem, HANPV and BT against Helicoverpa..... It was found that different spray volume were equality effective. However, chemical insecticides with low volume spra..... READ MORE
Training needs of vegetable growers in organic far..... The study was aimed to bring out the characteristics of vegetable growers and to assess their knowledge and adoption ..... READ MORE
Integrated Nutrient management for mustard (Brassi..... A field trial was conducted at ASPEE Agricultural Research and Development Foundation, Met/Nare, Dist. Thane (M.S) READ MORE
Plant regeneration and genetic transformation stud..... An investigation on Lycopersicon esculentus cv. Solan vajara (Tomato) was conducted to standardize the method of high..... READ MORE
Molecular evaluation and identification of insect ..... Investigation was undertaken with objectives to identify the local entomopathogenic isolates from dead insects and so..... READ MORE
Evaluation of different cultivars of Aonla (Emblic..... The investigation was undertaken to evaluate different cultivars of aonla for different processed products under Maha..... READ MORE
Studies on maturity indices and some aspects of po..... From the results of the investigation, it could be concluded that weight, volume, length, breadth, circumference spec..... READ MORE
Engineering rice with Trichoderma chitinase gene f..... Trichoderma viride strain, MNT7 produced chitinases which were subjected to differential precipitation with ammonium ..... READ MORE
Shrinkage behaviour of Onion slice during dehydrat..... The experiment to find out the various physical properties and shrinkage behavior with the function of moisture conte..... READ MORE
Development of process for Kesar Mango Powder Kesar is the main cultivar of Saurashtra region. It is considered as one of the most export potential varieties of ma..... READ MORE
Studies on optimal utilization of Solar-Photo-Volt..... A study has been designed to evaluate the performance of the existing unit under the given climatological conditions ..... READ MORE
Design and development of a safety CAB for tractor..... The important factor influencing the efficiency in the operation of the tractor is the extent to which it has been de..... READ MORE
Design and development of cashewnut grader Grading is an extremely important step in production of high quality kernels in the cashewnut processing industry. Th..... READ MORE
Studies on dehydration of mushroom by intermediate..... The mushroom (Pleurotus sajor caju) was dehydrated using various pretreatment viz., control, CaCl2 solution, sulphuri..... READ MORE
Modeling of evaporation under different climatic c..... Evaporation is one of the most important components of the hydrological cycle and its accurate estimation is essentia..... READ MORE
Design development and performance evaluation of a..... The control of pest can be achieved effectively if pesticides are properly applied at the correct rate, at right time..... READ MORE
Modification and testing of air sleeve boom spraye..... Since earliest times improving agricultural yields and food quality has always been the matter of concern to mankind...... READ MORE
Design and development of unloader valve for power..... In case of power operated sprayer horizontal triplex pump (HTP) is used as pressure generating unit. In the fields, a..... READ MORE
Testing of constant flow valve for agricultural ty..... The lever operated knapsack sprayers are most popular among the farmers in India. It delivers uneven flow with a high..... READ MORE
Design, development and evaluation of air assisted..... This study was aimed to develop an air assisted orchard boom sprayer for effective deposition of pesticides inside th..... READ MORE
Studies on the impact of watershed development pro..... The studies regarding the impact of watershed development activities were undertaken by using the Remote Sensing and ..... READ MORE
Potential for management for Plutella Xylostella (..... Cruciferous vegetables are economically important throughout the world. However their production is severely affected..... READ MORE
Evaluation of IPM Modules for Tomato Tomato (Lycopersicon esculantum Miller) is one of the most popular solanaceous vegetable crop widely grown in the wor..... READ MORE
Study on genetic improvement in an Egg Parasitoid,..... The studies were undertaken to study genetic improvement in Trichogramma spp. for resistance to pesticides. In this s..... READ MORE
Use of insecticides in combination with oils for t..... Investigations were carried out both under field and laboratory conditions. It is found out that Dimethoate was prove..... READ MORE
Virulence pattern and differentiation of asian ric..... Biotype identification based on host preferences is a reliable technique, but it has own limitations, as it is sensit..... READ MORE
Host preference and effectiveness of dust formulat..... Investigations was carried with a view to find out preferred hosts nature and extent of damage and effectives of dust..... READ MORE
Bioefficacy of some newer insecticides against suc..... The field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2002 on cotton with an objective to evaluate bioefficacy o..... READ MORE
Evaluation of the biological efficacy of milkweed ..... The investigation was carried out in the Department of Entomology,Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Tamil..... READ MORE
Management of rice stem borer, Scirpophaga incertu..... The present investigation was carried out at the research field and in the laboratory of Department of Entomology, Co..... READ MORE
To study the role of farm women in decision making..... Ms. Jaiswal reported that the majority of respondents were from middle age group, belongs to schedule tribe/schedule ..... READ MORE
Plant protection equipment use behavior of grapevi..... The study was conducted with 100 respondents in Coimbatore districts. Regarding the type of PPE (Plant Protection equ..... READ MORE
Information and skill needs of Farm Women on Plant..... Women studies related to plant protection technologies have attracted only a few social studies. Therefore, the prese..... READ MORE
Livestock development related institutional suppor..... The purpose of the present study was to analyse socio-economic status and the various institutional support in livest..... READ MORE
Adoption of Botanical pesticides in Kanyakumari Di..... The investigation was designed to determine the characteristics of the respondents and to measure their knowledge lev..... READ MORE
A study on effect of Agriculture Assistance scheme..... The study was conducted at Shihor in district Bhavnagar of Gujarat State during the year 2001-2002. Fifty beneficiari..... READ MORE
Study on adoption of plant protection equipments b..... The study was conducted in Deogad and Vengurla tahsil of Sindhudurg district of Konkan region. A sample was constitut..... READ MORE
Integrated Nutrient Management in True Potato Seed..... An experiment was conducted to study the performance of four hybrids viz., HPS-1/13, HPS-7/13, HPS-7/67and HPS-II/67 ..... READ MORE
Studies on in-situ soil moisture conservation tech..... The investigation was undertaken during kharif season of the year 2003-2004 at the Farm of Department of Agronomy, Dr..... READ MORE
Judicious use of organic and inorganic sources of ..... The print investigation was carried out at Aspee Agricultural Research and Development Foundation Farm. The major tre..... READ MORE
Effect of different fertility levels on some promi..... The investigation was laid out in Split Plot Design with three replications. Five varieties of sorghum and four level..... READ MORE
Integrated nutrient management in broccoli for sus..... The experiment was designed to study integrated nutrient management in broccoli for sustainable productivity of brocc..... READ MORE
Efficacy of new herbicides and herbicidal mixtures..... A field experiment was conducted to find out the efficacy of new herbicides and herbicidal mixture for weed control i..... READ MORE
Refinement of nutrient management techniques for r..... Field experiment was conducted to fine tune the nutrient management techniques for yield improvement of rice fallow b..... READ MORE
Evaluation of promising quality protein maize cult..... Maize is the world’s third leading cereal crop after wheat and rice, while its productivity surpassess all othe..... READ MORE
Efficacy of different herbicides in controlling Ph..... Wheat (Triticum aestivum) occupies the prime postion in the world. In India, it is second important food crop being n..... READ MORE
Design and development of a dual purpose unloading..... Agricultural production in India has been able to keep pace with the ever increasing population and maintain food sec..... READ MORE
Performance and Evaluation of Air Carrier Sprayer ..... Orange fruit has a prominent place among popular and extensively grown fruits, occupying nearly two-third of the worl..... READ MORE