Use of insecticides in combination with oils for the management of Sprilling Whitefly, Aleurodicus disperses Russel on Guava
Investigations were carried out both under field and laboratory conditions. It is found out that Dimethoate was proved to be the best insecticide both under laboratory and field conditions and was excellent in ovipositional inhibitions, ovicidal action and recorded more than 90, 96 and 94 percent egg, nymphal and adult reduction under field conditions at 15 days after the spray, respectively. It was also found to be effective against resistant pupal stage of the pest. Dichlorvos (0.105%) was next best insecticide. However, it recorded least LC50 value of 14.09 ppm for adults, while LC50 of triazophos and dimethoate were 20.48 and 22.07 ppm, respectively. Thiamethoxam proved to be more effective against nymphs, while methomyl and profenofos were more effective against eggs and diflufenthiuron was excellent against both nymphs and eggs.
Among combinations of insecticides at their half dose with oils, FORS and neem oil combinations were proved to better compared to cottonseed oil and linseed oil. However, dimethoate + FORS was found to be promising with more than 80 per cent mortality of eggs and adults and more than 70 per cent mortality of nymphs and pupae under field condition. Unlike in laboratory condition, all the combinations tested under field conditions lost their toxicity early compared to insecticides alone at full dose, whereas under laboratory condition they were better than insecticides alone. Thiamethoxam and diflufenthiuron with FORS were also found effective. Different stages of A. dispersus were vulnerable to insecticides in the order of nymphs > adults > eggs > pupae.
Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters by ASPEE Group Of Companies, India. www.aspee.com
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This article is written by Shri. Thimmaiah A.G. of University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad on behalf of ASPEE Agriculture Research and Development Foundation. ASPEE Group of Companies is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters
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