To study the role of farm women in decision making process of Agriculture operations in Patan Block of Jabalpur district

To study the role of farm women in decision making process of Agriculture operations in Patan Block of Jabalpur district

Ms. Jaiswal reported that the majority of respondents were from middle age group, belongs to schedule tribe/schedule caste, illiterate, mostly were from nuclear family type, having large family and small size of land holding, majority of farm women possessed low level of farm power and medium category of material possession, with no social participation. Most of them were from low annual income group and having no contact with extension agencies.

The respondents had strong desire for change in use of fertilizers, very much excitement for getting initial information about plant protection measures and they recognized plant protection measures as major problems. Most of them needed additional information about plant protection measures, were always considered alternative means for use of fertilizers and considered all the sources available with them. Majority of farm women decided to take final decision regarding seed selection and maximum percentage of farm women play medium role in decision making process. Age, caste, literacy and family size had non significant association with decision making process of farm women. However, type of family, size of family, land holding, farm power, material possession, social participation, annual income and contact with extension agencies had significant association with decision making process of Agricultural operations of the respondents.

The main problem of farm women in decision making process was "no knowledge of agricultural technology."


Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters by ASPEE Group Of Companies, India.

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This article is written by Ms. Manisha Jaiswal of Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur on behalf of ASPEE Agriculture Research and Development Foundation. ASPEE Group of Companies is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters


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