Molecular evaluation and identification of insect pathogenic bacteria

Molecular evaluation and identification of insect pathogenic bacteria

Investigation was undertaken with objectives to identify the local entomopathogenic isolates from dead insects and soil and also to study genetic diversity of these bacterial strains of the ten isolated studied. Investigation has resulted in the identification of two bacteria PDKV-II and PDKV IV, which were found to be pathogenic to insects. However at the same time one of the isolate PDKV-II, which was, identified as B. cereus has ability to cause food poisoning by producing enterotoxin which, may be hazardous and fatal at times. Therefore, instead of depending upon traditional phenotypic testing one should identify the bacterial isolates by some specific and sensitive identification methods like 16S rDNA sequencing otherwise if such food poisoning isolate is wrongly identified, it may be hazardous to human health.

Second isolate PDKV-IV, which was identified, as Paenibacillus alveli was first isolated from diseased honeybee larvae. At the same time it was also found to be human pathogenic i.e. it was recovered from blood of woman with sickle cell disease.

The study revealed that it is insufficient to identify any isolate only by biochemical means, just like in some cases like Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus cereus, very closely related isolates.

The study emphasize to identify the bacterial strains by reliable and ensitive methods so as to avoid the further complications specially in case of the bacteria which may be further involved in ‘Microbial Control’.

Regarding the purely taxonomic and nomenclature problems, the taxonomy appears now to be in transitory period. New methods of approach should be used, such as the Molecular biology, cNDA base composition, DNA hybrids etc.


Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters by ASPEE Group Of Companies, India.

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This article is written by Ms. Deshmukh Yogita Arun of Marathwada Agril. University, Parbhani on behalf of ASPEE Agriculture Research and Development Foundation. ASPEE Group of Companies is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters


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