Integrated Nutrient Management in True Potato Seed (TPS) Hybrids for seedling Tuber Production

Integrated Nutrient Management in True Potato Seed (TPS) Hybrids for seedling Tuber Production

An experiment was conducted to study the performance of four hybrids viz., HPS-1/13, HPS-7/13, HPS-7/67and HPS-II/67 with four levels of fertilizers viz., 100 per cent N as urea, 75 percent N as urea and 25 per cent as FYM, 50 percent as urea and 50 percent as FYM and 25 percent as urea and 75 per cent as FYM.

Among hybrids, HPS-1/13 showed maximum vegetative growth at all stages of the observations, highest number of seedling tubers as well as fresh weight of seedling tuber per plant and per square meter and highest haulm yield with lowest area and cost for one quintal seeding tuber production.

Fertilizer level 100 per cent N through urea produced maximum vegetative growth, seedling tube and haulm yield followed by 75 per cent through urea and 25 per cent through FYM.

Hybrid HPS-1/13 produced highest seedling tube yield while 100 per cent N through urea increased growth and yield of seedling tubers followed by 75 percent N through urea and 25 per cent through FYM, Also, in the same treatments the lowest cost for quintal seedling tuber production was observed


Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters by ASPEE Group Of Companies, India.

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This article is written by Shri. N.S. Parit of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri on behalf of ASPEE Agriculture Research and Development Foundation. ASPEE Group of Companies is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters


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