Integrated nutrient management in broccoli for sustainable productivity
The experiment was designed to study integrated nutrient management in broccoli for sustainable productivity of broccoli at Aspee Agricultural Research and Development Foundation, Tansa on clay soil having high organic carbon, medium in avaiable nitrogen and phosphorus and rich in available potassium.
Results revealed that application of Swastik @ 10t/ ha +75% Recommended dose of fertilizer + Azotobactor +Azospirillum + PBS each @250g/10 kg of seed recorded maximum diameter of curd. Application of Swastik @ 10t/ ha + 75% RDF + Azotobactor +Azospirillum + PBS each @250g/10 kg of seeds produced higher yield followed by Swastik @ 10t/ ha + 75% RDF +Azotobactor +Azospirillum each @250g/10 kg of seed and Swastik @ 10t/ ha + 75% RDF. The chemical studies showed that the highest uptake of NPK was noted due to application of Swastik @ 10t/ ha +75% RDF + Azotobactor +Azospirillum + PBS each @250g/10 kg of seed.
The highest net return was obtained with Swastik @ 10t/ ha +75% RDF + Azotobactor +Azospirillum + PBS each @250g/10 kg of seed followed by Swastik @ 10t/ ha +75% RDF + Azotobactor +Azospirillum + PBS each @250g/10 kg of seed and Swastik @ 10t/ ha +75% RDF.
Thus combined application of organic manures, bio-fertilizers and fertilizers nutrients was very much remunerative
Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters by ASPEE Group Of Companies, India. www.aspee.com
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Ms. Sadhana Pralhad Jagtap of Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli on behalf of ASPEE Agriculture Research and Development Foundation. ASPEE Group of Companies is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters
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