Information and skill needs of Farm Women on Plant Protection Technologies
Women studies related to plant protection technologies have attracted only a few social studies. Therefore, the present study was proposed to identify the information and skill needs of farm women on plant protection technologies.
The study was conducted by resorting to probability proportionate random sampling, the sample size of one hundred and twenty farm women were selected as respondents.
It is found that majority of the Farm women respondents were young, aged and functionally literate. They were mainly engaged in agriculture + wage earning. They possessed small sized farms. They had a low annual income. Exactly fifty percent of the respondents had low level of social participation. Most of the respondents belonged to medium level in respect of information source utilisation, innovativeness, cosmopoliteness and economic motivation and had low farm power possession.
Information and skill needs of farm women respondents for specific technologies relating to weeds, insect pests and diseases were found to be equal. They expressed higher needed level of information towards assesment of insect population (ETL and EIL), herbicide application, selection of insecticide and chemical and bio-control methods. They expressed higher needed level of skill towards handling of sprayer, assessment of insect population (ETL and EIL), application of insecticide and spray fluid preparation.
The correlation study reveals that the variable namely, social participation showed negatively, significant relationship and other variable namely, economic motivation showed positively, significant relationship with information needs on plant protection technologies. The family type showed negatively, significant relationship with skill needs on plant protection technologies.
The regression study reveals that the variables namely, farm size, farm power possession and economic motivation showed positively, significant relationship, while the variables, occupation, social participation and cosmopoliteness showed negatively, significant relationship with information needs on plant protection technologies.The one variable namely, family type showed negatively, significant relationship with skill needs on plant protection technologies.
Majority of the farm women respondents reported that lack of co-operation and poor economic condition as the main constraints faced by them while acquiring information on plant protection technologies.While acquiring skill on plant protection technologies majority of the farm women respondents reported that physical hardship and health hazard as the main constraints faced by them
Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters by ASPEE Group Of Companies, India.
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This article is written by Ms. S. Abhirama Sundari of Annamalai University, Annamalainagar on behalf of ASPEE Agriculture Research and Development Foundation. ASPEE Group of Companies is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters
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