Evaluation of promising quality protein maize cultivars in Konkan region
Maize is the world’s third leading cereal crop after wheat and rice, while its productivity surpassess all other cereal crops. Several million peoples of developing world consume maize as an important source of protein. The poor nutritional value of maize grain was improved by the introduction of ‘opague-2’ gene and developed Quality Protein Maize (QPM). Maize is the new introduction in north Konkan region. Being high demand, very little agronomic research work is done in this region. Therefore, research programme was undertaken to identify most suitable cultivars in medium black soil and find out optimum economic dose to Quality Protein Maize cultivars and also to study the economics of fertilization to QPM varieties.
Field experiment was conducted at ASPEE, Agricultural Research & Development Foundation, Tansa Farm. The experiment was laid out in split plot design comprising of four varieties (Shaktiman-1, CML-142 x CML-150, CML-186 and Gangasafed –2) as main plot treatments and five nitrogen levels (control,60, 120, 180 and 240 kg N/ha) as sub-plot treatments with three replications.
The results of the investigation indicated that Shaktiman-1, CML-142 x CML-150 and Gangasafed-2 responded upto 240kg N/ha and produced maximum yield and economic advantage. On the contrarary, CML-186 responded upto 180kg N/ha and produced the lowest yield and economic loss.
Shaktiman –1 recorded the highest production and registered the highest net profit. The optimum dose of nitorgen for Shaktiman-1 was 325.15 kg/ha while it was 347.67 kg/ha for CML-142 x CML – 150 with corresponding optimum grain yield of 101.21 and 101.67 q/ha, respectively.
Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters by ASPEE Group Of Companies, India. www.aspee.com
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This article is written by Shri. Kaledhonkar Prasad Ramchandra of Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli on behalf of ASPEE Agriculture Research and Development Foundation. ASPEE Group of Companies is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters
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