Design and development of cashewnut grader
Grading is an extremely important step in production of high quality kernels in the cashewnut processing industry. The area under cashewnut plantation in konkan region is increasing at a faster rate and there is a need to improve the present speed of grading.
Normally raw cashewnuts weighing less than 5.0 gm each are not accepted for processing. The breadth of cashewnuts can be used as a distinguished character for grading the raw cashewnut keeping this in view the cashewnut grader was designed.
From the trials it is found that if speed of cylinder increases the percentage of fair quality of nuts increases in the main grades. Same is true in case of increased slope of the cylinder. Therefore optimum combination of speed and slope is necessary for grading the cashewnuts.
Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters by ASPEE Group Of Companies, India.
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This article is written by Shri Wagh R.S. of Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli on behalf of ASPEE Agriculture Research and Development Foundation. ASPEE Group of Companies is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Agriculture Sprayers and Dusters
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